Project Two

Project Two: Minecraft modded is painful

Where do I start. Well, first of all, unfortunately this will not be the publically availeable MC server (if that ever comes to exist) but rather a server that I host for a few friends to play on, simply because I enjoy the server side of things more. That being said, you and I both read the title, so we both know that this project definitely has its pain points, with the first being forge itself. Its not what I would like to use, the performance is meh at best and the developer is kind of an asshole, which is the reason for neoforge. All the good other people that put work in forge left and made that fork. BUT the modpack demands it. Soooo, what can ya do.

First step to this was downloading and installing a forge server. Where the first step was reasonably easy, the second one was not, for some reason? When starting the server.jar I have to give it root permissions, otherwise it ouright crashes before even starting. While on the same machine, a vanilla server showed no problems like this at all.

(This is where this text ends for now, but I will continue it soon!)

Is a smol leetol bnuyyy

Thank you for visiting :3